Chinook Conservation Update

Courtesy of Saltwater Chair Derek Hardy:

This notice provides an update on planned conservation measures to address conservation concerns for Fraser River Chinook in 2019. The Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) has assessed 13 Fraser Chinook stocks with 7 assessed as endangered, 4 threatened, 1 stock of concern and 1 not at risk. In addition, current low productivity of these stocks has resulted in high concern about further declines in spawner abundance in 2019. As a result, additional precautionary reductions in fishery mortalities are being planned. DFO is currently reviewing feedback from consultations on proposed new fishery measures to further reduce fishery mortalities on these stocks and support conservation. A decision on new measures for 2019 fisheries will be released in early April. Further information on specific management actions will be communicated by separate Fishery Notices. You can view or subscribe to fisheries notices at: