Provide Your Input to Freshwater Fishing Regulations Changes

This informations courtesy of Gerry Paille, BCWF director and President of BCWF’s Region 7.

Regional freshwater fishing proposals are now available for comment. Make sure you also provide support if that is the case — we have seen proposals the we generally support not implemented (at least on the hunting reg side of things) because of lack of positive feedback. Deadline for comments is Jan 6, 2023. Login with BCeID is required.

Here is the website for the input:

BCWF provided some instruction on how to use the engagement website for commenting on hunting reg proposals:

When you get to the government page you click on the blue text (eg “Scuitto Lake Rainbow Trout Quota”) and it will take you to the current and proposed regulations.

When you get to the regulations page you’ll need to login – see the Login tab that I’ve circled:

That will take you to the Login page, where you enter your BCeID credentials.

At that point you get kicked back to the regulation page where you can support, be neutral or oppose. Include comments please!