
The past few hunting seasons were very successful for our club members, who have been fortunate enough to harvest a sheep, elk, mule deer, geese and ducks, moose and bear. The picture below shows the results of one club member’s Roosevelt elk hunt on Vancouver Island after drawing the coveted VanIsle Rosy LEH in 2020.

We always have big plans for the upcoming hunting season, so if you are interested in joining on a hunt make sure to drop us a line. We hold formal spring hunts for bear and an early fall hunt for multiple species just to get things rolling. Those are great ways for new hunters to get introduced to hunting and will answer the classic newbie questions of how what, and where.

There are two hunting events planned for the near future. The first is an LEH party to prepare for the upcoming season. We’ll swap stories, plans and tactics and help new hunters figure out the LEH system. The second is a 2022 club spring bear hunt, likely for the long weekend in May. We’ll camp together and hang out as we get out for the first time in 2022. For more information contact Rob at

Roosevelt elk steak